3rd-8th Grades
No previous training required.
Charli O'Dell, Isaac Jones, Matthew Burney, Colleen Ireland​
Students will learn triple threat skills by studying acting methods, vocal techniques, and choreography.
Spring Studio productions:
Spring Musical: Junie B. Jones Jr. (June 6-10)

Class Schedule:
Spring: February 1 - April 1, 2025
Triple Threat Class
Intermediate I (Grades 3 - 4) Saturdays 10 AM - 12PM
Intermediate II (Grades 5 - 8) Saturdays 10:40 AM - 12:40 PM ​
Auditions for the Spring Season:
Jan. 24th-26th
Production Rehearsals -
Spring Rehearsal Dates: April 15 - May 31
Tuesdays 5:45-8:45pm, Fridays 5:30-8:30pm, Saturdays 1-6pm​
Tech/Dress Rehearsals-
​Junie B Jones Jr ALL DAY June 2-6 (9am-4:30pm) at Saints Peter and Paul School (unless there are Snow Make-Up Days, which will push these rehearsals to evening)
Technical Dance Class - with production students have technical dance training as follows: Tuesdays 6:45-7:45pm
Spring Class Schedule: February 4 - April 1, 2025
NO CLASS: March 4 ​
See Productions for a description of the show.
Email the office for the full studio calendar of classes and productions - innovationarts.lex@gmail.com
Class Information:
No prior training required.
Students will need black jazz shoes for classes and performances.
Hair ties, water bottle, pencil and binder needed for all classes.
With production students will not audition but will play multiple roles in featured groups in the production.
Parents will be asked to provide volunteer assistance with productions.
Class Only: $300/semester or $100/month*
Class with Spring productions (includes technical dance): $726/semester or $181.50/month**
*Without Production: Payment over 3 Months (3 Spring Payments)
**With Production: Payment over 4 months (4 Spring Payments)
Want to join our 2024-25 Season?
Come join us for an eventful show season at InnOVATION Arts Academy
Registration is now open! All students interested in audition for a role in our upcoming productions need to be registered for intermediate program with productions or be in one of our conservatory programs. Production auditions will be on January 24th-27th, 2025.