Intermediate Conservatory Program
Comprehensive training for elementary and middle school musical theater performers. Students invited into this program receive a group of classes offering training in acting techniques, audition training, vocal technique and styles, musicianship training, dance technique and styles, choreography, role study, ensemble technique, technical theater, and unique performance opportunities.
After your successful admittance into the Orange Monarch Conservatory program, your registration secures your child’s training in the following programs:
Monarch Conservatory triple threat class.
a minimum of 1 hr of technical dance training per week, and up to 3 hrs of dance per week.
Participation in Studio Season Productions in Spring 2025.
Access to Private Vocal Instruction with an InnOVATION Arts Academy associate voice teacher.
Lead instruction by Grace Hensley, Isaac Jones, and Danielle Hughes, with Workshops and Classes with Special Guest Artists
Class Schedule:
MONARCH 1 (3rd-5th) 11:20AM - 1:20 PM on Saturdays
MONARCH 2 (6th-9th) 12:00PM-2:00PM on Saturdays
DANCE CLASS OPTIONS: MT Technique (Ms Dot) Sundays 3:30-4:30pm; Tap (Ms Dot) Sundays 1:30-2:30pm; Ballet/Jazz (Ms Colleen) Tuesdays 6:45-7:45pm
Rehearsal Schedule: Contact the office to receive a link to the studio calendar, which includes rehearsal times and performance dates..
Cost (Conservatory with Productions):
With 1 HR Dance = $724.50 OR $144.90/month for 5 months
With 2 HR Dance = $846 OR $169.20/month for 5 months
With 3 HRS Dance = $958.50 OR $191.70/month for 9 months
*Register separately for festivals and trips in 2024-25. Go to NYTE, JTF, or Disney pages.
Add-Ons (Not included in Conservatory Registration)
Conservatory Jacket = $42
InOA T-shirt = $17
InOA Cinch Bag = $12
InOA Water Bottle = $12
Required Footwear for classes and choreo rehearsals:
Black jazz shoes
Advanced Conservatory Program
With comprehensive training for high school and advanced upper elementary and middle school musical theater performers, this training experience provides students with training in advanced acting techniques, audition training, vocal technique and styles, musicianship training, dance technique and styles, choreography, varied role study, ensemble technique, technical theater, and unique performance opportunities.
After your successful admittance into the advanced program, selecting this course of training secures your registration in the following programs:
Flight, The Edge, The Climb, OR The Break Out Advanced Musical Theatre Programs
Participation in Advanced Cast Productions in Spring 2025.
Access to Private Vocal Instruction with an advanced level voice teacher at InnOVATION Arts Academy.
Access to Community Outreach, Special Performances, and High School Internship Programs.
Students must additionally take a minimum of 1 hr of dance per week.
Flight, The Edge, The Climb, and Break Out Conservatories
Lead instruction by Stephanie Valentino-Logsdon, Erin Tuttle, Jack McIntyre, Dr MJ Nelson, Dr Michael Preacely, and special guest instructors from Broadway, iTheatrics, and more!
Class Schedule: 2 PM - 5 PM on Saturdays WITH TECHNICAL DANCE on Sundays and/or Tuesdays
(Email the office to view the full dance class schedule or to receive a cost breakdown for Advanced classes).
(Please note that we are considering moving this class time to 4-7pm in the Spring)
Dance Classes and Rehearsal Schedule: Contact the office to receive a link to the studio calendar, which includes dance class options, rehearsal times and performance dates.
Cost (Conservatory with Productions)
With 1 HR Dance = $788 OR $155.60/month for 5 months
With 1.5 HR Dance = $841.50 OR $168.30/month for 5 months
With 2 HR Dance = $900 OR $180/month for 5 months
With 2.5 HRS Dance = $958.50 OR $191.70/month for 5 months
With 3 HRS Dance = $1017 OR $203.40/month for 5 months
With 3.5 HRS Dance = $1071 OR $214.20/month for 9 months​
*Register separately for festivals and trips in 2024-25. Go to JTF, NYTE, or Disney pages.
Add-Ons (Not included in Conservatory Registration)
Conservatory Jacket = $42
InOA T-shirt = $17
InOA Cinch Bag = $12
InOA Water Bottle = $12
Required Footwear for classes and choreo rehearsals:
Black jazz shoes (for class)
Want to join our 2024-25 Season?
Come join us for an eventful show season at InnOVATION Arts Academy
Registration is now open! All students interested in auditioning for our upcoming productions need to be registered for intermediate program with productions or be in one of our conservatory programs. Production auditions are on January 24-27, 2025.